Blog Help

Friday, June 09, 2006

UPDATE -- Delays & Technical Issues


This post is to let everyone know that we've not forgotten about the reviews of blog hosts that we promised... We've been having some "technical issues," as Blogger calls them, and it's really slowed things down. Also, we've been doing quite a bit of work behind the scenes, and even rearranged the layout of the template, getting rid of clutter and adding some things that will hopefully make the site a little more navigateable in the future.

Technical problems...
This past week, Blogger had some "technical issues" that held things up for awhile, and we had a few technical issues of our own that really slowed down our connection, or prevented it altogether at times. Hopefully all that is sorted out now. As you can see, we rearranged the layout of the blog. I really like the sidebar on the left. It just feels "comfortable." The problem is, it's bumping all of the post content to the bottom of the page in Internet Explorer (at least in version 5.5). That's the big issue that we're facing at the moment. We use Firefox now, and were not aware of the problem until we did some cross-browser checks sometime yesterday. At that point, we had already republished the blog. At any rate, we're working on the problem, and should have it fixed later today. For any users who might be seeing this problem first-hand in IE, I would invite you to consider switching to Firefox. We made the switch a couple of months ago and haven't looked back. You can get Firefox for free as part of the Google Pack download -- there's a button on the sidebar for that. If you haven't seen the Google Pack, check it out -- it's free, and there's some really cool stuff in it.

I'd like to say a special "thank you" to all the folks who've signed up for the Blog Help newsletter. It's not ready yet, but it's coming. For everyone that's not signed up yet, you have my word that you won't be spammed by me, and I won't offer your address to anyone else. Also, I won't fill your inbox with daily e-mails or advertisements, and you can easily remove your name from the list at any time, should you decide to opt-out.

In the works...
Also, we've been working on a pinging application that we hope to have online a little later. A lot of the code is new to me, but it's coming along. We have a fairly extensive list of places to ping, but they all have to be verified and coded into the program yet, and it all has to be tested. That's all that I'll say about it for now... that project's still in the works and it may be awhile before it's fully realized. If you have a need for a free multiple-server pinging service right now, we use Pingoat, FeedShark, Feedburner's Pingshot, & Feedshot (the free service, not the pay one). Some of these ping the same sites, so you might want to set it up so they don't overlap & bookmark the pages to make things quicker.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for being patient while we straighen out all the technical issues. :-)

Thanks Again,

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